Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday, 0830 and TBD, 18 December 2012

warm up

Ladies WOD:
For time
40 x 30 x 20 x 10
pull up

Air Force PAST
1.5 mile run
max push ups in two minutes
max sit ups in two minutes
max pull ups in two minutes

Sunday, December 16, 2012

0830 and 1700, Monday, 17 December 2012

warm up

Ladies WOD:
Bear Complex
7 sets @ 5 rounds not for time:
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

D$ morning Spec WOD:

Run 1.6 miles (1 lap around doughboy field) 

6 rounds for time
50 m swim
30 flutter kicks (4 count)

Afternoon WOD:
Bear Complex
(see ladies WOD for details)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Saturday, 1030, 15 December 2012




Warm up

Run Doughboy Loop (1.6 miles)
Transition to pool deck
25 push ups
50 flutter kicks (4 count)
250 m crawl stroke (5 up and back)
25 push ups
50 flutter kicks
250 m breast stroke swim (5 up and back)
transition to run
Run Doughboy Loop (1.6 miles)

Cool down

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, 14 Jan, 0700 and 0830 and TBD

warm up

0700 D$ swim WOD:

Tread water for 10 minutes
(if you touch the side or bottom you will do 50 burpees at completion of WOD)

100 meters frog kick only with board
100 meters frog kick without board
100 meters crawl stroke

0830 WOD:
2 rounds for time
50 push ups
40 sit ups
30 push press (95lbs / 45lbs)
20 pull ups
10 wall ball shots
400 m run

Afternoon WOD:
 5 x 3 of the following:
Bench Press

5 x 5 Weighted pull up

5 x 20 Weighted push up

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

0830 and Afternoon is TBD, Thursday

warm up

0830 Ladies WOD:
3 mile run

Afternoon WOD:
5 x 4 of the following:
Back Squat
strict press
power clean

5 x 20 weighted push up with vest

5 x 5 weighted pull up with vest

2 mile run with 22 lb weighted vest

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

0830 and 1700, Wednesday

warm up

Ladies WOD:


1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squat
1 mile run

all of this is done with a 20lb weighted vest (scale the weight but not the reps)

D$ morning WOD:
warm up
tread water for 5 min straight, don't touch the bottom or side.  Every time you do it is 10 burpees.

swim 500 m breast stroke

Afternoon WOD:

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squat
1 mile run

all of this is done with a 20lb weighted vest (scale the weight but not the reps)"Murph"

Monday, December 10, 2012

0830 and 1700, Tuesday

warm up

Ladies WOD:

5 x 8 of the following:
Bench Press
Seated Shoulder Press
Pull up
Lunges (4 x each leg)

D$ Morning WOD:

Swim 1000 m at easy pace
10 x 25 m sprints

3 mile run

D$ Afternoon WOD:

5 x 8 of the following:

Bench Press
Seated Shoulder Press
Weighted Pull up
Back Squat

Sunday, December 9, 2012

0830 and 1700, Monday

warm up

Ladies morning WOD:

Bench press : 5 x 8

12 min AMRAP
21 push press
15 walking lunge
9   pull up

D$ Morning WOD:
Warm up

Swim - 5 x 50m sprint, 1 minute rest between sets (crawl stroke)
            5 x 100 m sprint, 2 minute rest between sets (crawl stroke)
            200 m cool down swim

Run 3 miles under 24:00

D$ Afternoon WOD:

5 x 8 of the following:
Back Squat
Front Squat
Pull up

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sunday, 9 December 2012

WOD #1:

5 x 8 of the following:
Bench Press
Seated Shoulder Press
Weighted Pull up
Weighted Ring Dips

WOD #2:


For time
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile

Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.

Rest Day, ARMY VS NAVY 8 DEC 2012




Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, 7 December 2012

                                            Miramar Air Show 2009 (I'm in the last one)

Warm up

D$ Spec Ops Morning:
2 x 25m kick only
rest 5 min
6 x 200 m (alternate breast and crawl stroke every 200 m)
between each 200m swim perform 20 push ups and 20 flutter kicks then rest 2 minutes

D$ Spec Ops Evening:
50x deadlift @ 35% 1 RM, 100x KB sumo deadlift high pull (24kg/16kg), 800m sandbag carry

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

0830 and 1700, 6 December 2012






(1 PULL UP, 1 PUSH UP, 2 PULL UP, 2 PUSH UP,....)




Tuesday, December 4, 2012

0830 and 1700, 5 December 2012

Warm up

AM Ladies WOD:
This is not for time!
Bench Press: 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2
between sets of bench do the following
10 chin ups between sets (palms facing you)
10 walking lunge (5 each leg)
10 sit ups

20 min swim, try to take as little break as possible.
then do the following:
Bench Press: 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2
between sets of bench do the following
10 chin ups (palms facing you!)
10 walking lunge (5 each leg)
10 sit ups

10 x 200 m sled drag, go as heavy as able.

Monday, December 3, 2012

0830 and 1700, Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Warm up


7 rounds for time for time

400 m run
15 box jump
10 toes to bar

Sunday, December 2, 2012

0830 and 1700, Monday, 3 December 2012


Time to get back to work!!!

Weighted pull ups 10 sets of 3 (10 x 3)

Push Press: 8 x 6 x 4 x 2

Double Tabata push up and sit up, alternate between the two for 8 minutes of time.


run 2 mile
100 air squats
run 2 mile
100 sit ups

Monday, November 12, 2012

1600, Monday, 12 November 2012

Warm Up

Press: 5 x 5 x 3 x 3 x 1 x 1

Met Con:

4 rounds for tiome

Row 500 m
Run  400 m

Saturday, November 10, 2012

1200, Sunday, 11 November 2012

Warm up

10 x 10 weighted pull up
5 x 20   Push ups
10 x 40 sit ups

2k row at 1:55 pace
2 mile run

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

0830, Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Warm up

5 x 400 m run

MARSOC Short Card for time:
0.             Max set of chin-ups
1.             30 Push-ups
2.             30 Air squats
3.             30 Crunches
4.             10 Burpees
5.             10 Windmills
6.             30 Push-ups
7.             30 Mountain climbers
8.             30 Flutter kicks
9.             10 Burpees
10.          10 Cherry pickers (4-count)
11.          30 Push-ups
12.          30 Star jumpers (or jumping jacks)
13.          30 Back Extensions (“supermans”)
14.          10 Burpees
15.          10 Chain breakers
16.          30 Push-ups
17.          30 Lunges
18.          30 Hello dollies
19.          10 Burpees
20.          10 Trunk twists
21.          3 Max sets of dead-hang pull-ups or flexed-arm hangs
22.          Max set of Marine sit-ups (2 minutes timed)
23.          Max set of chin-ups

Monday, October 22, 2012

0830 and 1700, Tuesday, 23 October

Warm up

5 x 5 front squat

Met Con:

10 rounds for time:

10 burpees
10 KB swings (53lbs/35lbs)

Friday, October 19, 2012

0830 and 1700, Friday, 19 October 2012

Warm up

Met Con:
3 rounds for time....
400 m run
30 double unders
20 sit ups
20 burpess

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1700, Thursday, 18 October

Warm up

Press 5 x 5
Push Press 5 x 5
Push Jerk 5 x 5

Run 2 miles on your own time

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

0830 and 1700, Thursday, 18 OCT 2012

Warm up x 2

500 m row for time, record time on whiteboard

Deadlift and Press
5 x 5 (65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% of your max)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

0915 and 1730, Wednesday


5 X 60%, 3 X 85%, 1 X 90%


10 minute AMRAP

10 wall ball shots (ball under you, get full depth!)
10 clean and jerk
10 sumo dead lift high pull

Monday, October 15, 2012

0830 and 1700, Tuesday

warm up

Met Con:
6 x 500 m row

3.....2......1....... GO! 

Start the clock, first person rows, everyone else performs 5 burpees every minute on the top of the minute. Rotate through until everyone has rowed 6 x 500m.  Good luck......

Sunday, October 14, 2012

0830 and TBD, Monday, 15 October 2012

Warm Up

5 x 3 x 1 Press

5 sets of 8 weighted pull up

Met Con:
10 rounds for time:
10 air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

0830 and 1700, Tuesday

warm up

Morning Strength:

5 x 5 back squat

Run: 5K

Afternoon Met Con:

12 Min AMRAP

21 box jump
15 lunge
9 push press

follow with 100 double unders and 50 toes to bar.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

0830 and 1645, Monday, 1 October 2012

warm up

Morning Met Con:

Sled push x 8
60 m sled push (to mailbox and back)
start with 15lbs on sled, increase sled weight by 15 lbs on each set

Afternoon Met Con:

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes perform the following:

2 x 135lb snatch

3 rounds for time:
21  box jumps
15  walking lunges (75lbs)
9    toes to bar

Saturday, September 29, 2012

TBD Sunday 30 September 2012

Warm up

Met con
500 m row
400 m run
50 air squats
40 sit up
30 push up
20 pull up

Thursday, September 27, 2012

0830 and 1700 Friday, 28 September 2012

Warm Up

Morning Met Con:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps


warm up

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

0830, Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Warm up

5 x 5 back squat

Met Con:
5 rounnds for time
200 m with weight on back.
after each 100 m portion perform 10 push press

Tabata sit ups

Monday, September 24, 2012

0830 and TBD, TUESDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER 2012


Morning workout

5 x 5 snatch

3 mile fun run with balloons and candy!

Afternoon workout

5 x 5 OHS
5 x 5 push jerk
5 x 10 weighted pull ups

Sunday, September 23, 2012

0830, Monday

Warm up

5 sets of 2 pull ups and 2 dips

Met Con:
5 min AMRAP of burpees :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

1145, Sunday, 23 September 2012

Warm up

Muscle up skill practice for 10 min

Every minute on the minute for 20 min
2 x hang clean
2 x push jerk
Both at 135lbs

Friday, September 21, 2012

0930, Saturday, 22 September 2012

Warm up

Speed and Skill work:
1000 m row for time
5 muscle ups
2 x 800 m run, 3 minute rest between rounds

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes
3 Deadlift (250)
10x Double-unders

Thursday, September 20, 2012

1400 and 1700, Friday, 20 September 2012

1400 Class:

Warm Up

20 minute AMRAP
200 m run
5 box jumps
5 sit ups
5 push ups

1700 class:

Warm Up

 3 x 10 ring dips (weighted if able)

Work one rep max clean and jerk
1 x 1 x 1

Squat     5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
Deadlift  5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
Press     5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

0830 and 1700, Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Warm Up

Met Con:
Two rounds of Fight Gone Bad!!

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. 
The stations are:
 1.. Wallball Shots: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2.. Sumo Deadlift High-Pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3.. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
4.. Push Press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5.. Row: calories (Calories)

Monday, September 17, 2012

1700, Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Warm Up

Main Site WOD

We do whatever they post....

0830 and 1700, Monday, 17 September 2012

Warm Up

Morning Met Con:

15 min AMRAP

10 San Bag get ups
10 box jumps
10 push press (50lbs)
80 m sprint

Afternoon Strength Program:

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform
 2 x push jerk (115lbs) and 2 weighted pull ups (35lbs)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

1400, Sunday, 16 September 2011

Warm Up

Partner WOD:

  • 40 KB Swings (1.5pd, 54#/1 pd, 36#)
  • 30 Burpees
  • 20 Pullups (Competitive: Chest to Bar Pullups, Social: Jumping pullups)
  • 10 Squats (Competitive: Front Squats 135#/95#, Social: Air Squats)
One person working at a time. Score is total number of reps in 10 min

Friday, September 14, 2012

Time TBD, Saturday, 15 September 2012

Warm Up

Eight rounds for max reps of:
115 pound Hang power clean, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
115 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Thursday, September 13, 2012

0830 and 1700, Friday, 14 September 2012

Warm Up

Morning Met Con:
10 rounds for time
10 pull ups
10 walking lunges

Afternoon Met Con:

4 x 800m run (rest two minutes between sets)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

0830 and 1730, Thursday, 13 September 2012

Warm up

Morning Strength:
5 x 5 pull up
5 x 5 press

Run 5k (run hard 1 min jog 1 min)

Afternoon strength:
5 x 5 squat
5 x 5 dead lift
5 x 5 ring dip

5 x 25 second hand stand hold

Monday, September 10, 2012

Never Forget 9/11 WOD @ 1730


Met Con:
11 burpees (American Airlines Flight 11hit north tower)
9 rope climbs
11 air squats
175 sit ups (United Airlines Flight 175 hit south tower)
9 ring dips
11 air squats
77 push press (American Airlines Flight 77 hits Pentagon)
9 pull ups
11 air squats
93 Double Unders (United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in PA)
2977 lbs of Power Snatch (number of people who lost their lives in the towers)*** 

**Power snatch reps will be calculated prior to Met Con.  For example, 39 reps at 75lbs is approx 2977lbs.  If you use 95 lbs it would be 32 reps and so on.
sub 360 single unders for double unders

Sunday, September 9, 2012

0830 and 1730, Monday, 10 September 2012

Warm Up

Morning Met Con:

5 rounds for time

15 squat cleans (95/65lbs)
20 sit ups
15 dips

Afternoon Workout

5 x 5 Front Squat
5 x 5 weighted pull up
5 x 5 OHS

4 x 400 m sprints to follow

Thursday, September 6, 2012

1400 (2PM), Friday, 7 September 2012

Warm Up

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps or step-ups, 20" box
55 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1730, Thursday, 6 September 2012

Warm Up

Met Con:
5 rounds for time
5 deadlift 80% of your one rep max
21 x double unders (sub 3 singles for one double under)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

0830, Tuesday, 4 September 2012

your front designyour back design



Warm Up

Met Con:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats **
 As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes

**if you can't do air squats sub sit ups for it. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

0900, Monday, 3 September 2012

Warm Up

Met Con:
5 rounds of
200 m farmers carry upon return, drop weight and sprint 200m.

Finish with tabata box jump

Friday, August 31, 2012

0800, Saturday, 31 August 2012


Warm Up

Met Con:
1 round
Bar may not be set down, rest load on thighs or in hip crease (5 burpee penalty for setting on ground)
100x Hang power clean (115#/75#)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

0900 and 1730, Friday, 31 August 2012

Dynamic Warm Up

Skill: 10 minutes of Squat Snatch work

Care of CrossFit Apex:

Reps 21...15...9 for time of:

Deadlift 95/65#
Hang Cleans 95/65#
Front Sqts 95/65#
Push Jerks 95/65#

Thursday, 1730, 30 August 2012


BACK SQUAT 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5

PRESS 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5

DEADLIFT 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012

0800, Monday, 27 August 2012





Tuesday, August 21, 2012

0800, Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Warm up

Press: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

once complete with 10 sets of 2 press do the following

2 minute AMRAP ring rows

Monday, August 20, 2012

0830, Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Warm up

Met Con:
5 x 250m row
While one person rows the rest do the following:
10 air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups
Keep rotating through squats, push ups, and sit ups until it is your turn to get back on the rower.....

Row fast or your buddy does more work

Sunday, August 19, 2012

0830, Monday, 20 August 2012

Warm up

Practice Wall Ball for 5 minutes (critique each other)

Met Con:
complete 200 ammo can push press
***complete 5 burpees every minute on the minute!! 


Follow up with TABATA SIT UPS.......

Friday, August 17, 2012

1000, SATURDAY, 18 AUG 2012


400 m run
50 power cleans
40 box jumps
30 pull ups
20 air squats
400 m run

Sunday, August 5, 2012

5 August 2012

Warm Up

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes 5 weighted ring dips

Met Con

10 minute AMRAP

10 back squat (135)
40 m walk with weight on your back (135)
10 front squat (135)

(Weight never comes off your back, if it does 10 burpee penalty)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

0900, Monday, 30 July 2012




  • 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of

  • Deadlift 150% body weight

  • Bench Press Body weight

  • Power Clean 75% Body weight

  • Friday, July 27, 2012

    0830, Saturday, 28 July 2012

    Warm up

    Strength: 10 rope climbs

    Met Con:
    wall ball
    push ups
    pull ups
    sit ups

    Wednesday, July 25, 2012

    Time TBD, Thursday, 26 July 2012

    Work on your weaknesses....... 

    Warm up

    Strength: OHS 5 x 5

    Met Con:
    Max rounds in 20 minutes
    10x Push press (115#)
    10x KB swings (53#)
    10x Box jumps (24 inch)

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    0900, Tuesday, 24 July 2012

    Warm up

    Strength: Press 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 (find the weight that challenges you)

    Met Con:
    "Baby Karen"
    for time 75 wall ball shots (look at the bright side, it's only half of "Karen")

    Friday, July 20, 2012

    0900 Saturday, 21 July 2012

    "Welcome back"

    200 m run
    25 power snatch
    400 m run
    25 push press/jerk
    800 m run
    25 SDHP (Sumo deadlift high pull)
    400 m run
    25 clean and jerk
    200 m run

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    0900, THURSDAY, 19 July 2012


    WARM UP:
    200 M RUN
    10 KB SWINGS
    10 PUSH UPS
    10 PULL UPS
    10 SIT UPS


    MET CON:

    400 M RUN
    1.5 POOD KB SWING (21 REPS)
    PULL UPS (21 REPS)

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    ON YOUR OWN, 18 JULY 2012

    WARM UP:
    5 min double under/jump rope
    3 rounds of
    10 pull ups
    10 sit ups
    10 OHS (45/30)

    MET CON:
    For time complete the following
    wall ball
    sit up
    KB swing
    pull up
    ring dip

    Monday, July 16, 2012

    AM and PM, Tuesday, 17 July 2012

    CrossFit Six Zero is back from the gorgeous Arizona desert.  The 115 degree heat was nice, does wonders for the skin!  It's time to get ready for the 2013 open.  CrossFit Six Zero hopes to do much better than last year.  Morning WOD's will probably open in mid to late August. 

    Warm up:
    2 mile run
    10 push ups
    10 Kettlebell swings

    Morning WOD:
    400 m run
    10 ring push ups
    10 Kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)

    PM WOD:
    Warm up:
    400 m run
    3 rounds of the following
    10 pull ups
    10 sit ups
    10 ring dips
    10 air squat

    Back Squat:
    5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 5 x 85%

    Thursday, June 14, 2012

    1345 Friday, 15 June 2012

    Warm Up

    Met Con:

    10 rounds for time

    5 pull up
    10 push ups
    15 air squats

    scale up or down for example, ring rows for pull ups, weighted pull ups, ring push ups, knee style push ups, etc.

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012

    1345, WED, 13 June 2012

    Warm up
    Strength: Back Squat 10 x 10 x 10

    Met Con: 12 minute AMRAP
    5 pull ups, 10 KB Swings, 100 meter sprint

    Cash out with with tabata sit up. (all together after the metcon is complete.)

    Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    1345, Wed, 6 June 2012

    Warm up

    Strength: 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 Strict Press

    Met Con:
    Front Squat and sit ups (no ab mat)
    10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
    40 - 30 - 20 - 10

    Thursday, May 31, 2012

    1345, Friday, 1 June 2012

    Warm up

    Strength: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 pull ups

    lite side of "Grace"
    30 x Clean and Jerks for time (65lb)

    Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    1345, Wed, 30 May 2012

    Warm Up

    4 x 200 m run with 1 minute rest between sets
    (run, that means run hard!!! not a jog, no talking, just run hard)

    Met Con:
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Front squat (95/50)

    Sunday, May 27, 2012

    0930, Monday, 28 May 2012

    We had an awesome WOD and BBQ on Saturday!  Huge thank you to everyone who attended.  If you didn't come you missed out but we'll have more, maybe something in August.

    Warm Up

    Strength:  Every minute on the minute perform 2 dead lifts and 2 weighted pull ups, for 10 minutes.

    Met Con:
    Five rounds for time of:
    75 pound Push press, 25 reps
    50 Double-unders

    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    145, Monday, 21 May 2012

    Warm up

    For 10 minutes, every minute on the minute perform 3 push press

    500 m row then perform the following below (if you do not get under 2:00 you must perform 30 burpees)

    2 rounds
    50-40-30-20-10x reps
    Walking lunge steps

    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    Time TBD, 20 may 2012

    Warm up 10 min: every minute on minute perform 2 Air Squats Met Con: 8 min AMRAP 10 wall ball 2 HSPU Finish with: 800 m run

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    0900, 18 may 2012

    Warm up

    Strength: Every minute on the minute for 20min perform 2 pull up

    Met con: 3 rounds 10 box jumps 100 m run 10 ring dips

    Tuesday, May 15, 2012

    1345, Wed, 16 May 2012

    Warm up

    Back Squat 5 x 75%, 3 x 85%, 1+ x 95%

    Met Con:

    8 min AMRAP

    3 x burpee
    6 x lunge
    9 x KB swing

    Sunday, May 13, 2012

    1515, Monday, 14 May 2012

    Warm Up

    Strength (not for time):

    Pull Up: 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2, use weight if able, if not change bands to increase intensity

    20 Abmat sit ups and 10 ring push ups between pull up sets

    Met Con:
    For time 100 box jumps. 

    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    1600, Friday, 11 May 2012

    Warm up

    Bench Press 5 x 75%, 3 x 80%, 1+ x 90%

    Met Con:
    Clean 75 lbs
    Ring Dips
    (5 burpees every minute on the minute)

    Tuesday, May 8, 2012

    1345, Wednesday 9 March 2012

    Warm up

    Back Squat 3 x 70%, 3 x 80%, 3 x 90%  (ensure you use proper form, lower weight if needed)

    Pull ups: 5 x 5 x 5 (try to use the lightest band possible, challenge yourself)

    Met Con:
    10 min AMRAP
    5 push up
    10 air squat
    15 sand bag get up

    Saturday, May 5, 2012

    1345, Monday, 7 May 2012

    Warm Up

    Bench Press 3 x 70%, 3 x 80%, 3+ x 90%
    Weighted pull up 3 x 10

    Met Con:
    Scale appropriately.

     "The Chief" 5 rounds of 3 minute AMRAPS of:                        
    3 Power Cleans 135/95 lbs
    6 Push-Ups
    9 Squats
    recover for 1 minute between AMRAPS.

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    1345, Friday, 4 May 2012

    Warm Up

    Strength: Deadlift
    5 x 5 x 5 at 75% max

    Met Con:
    Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes (count your thrusters for a total number of reps at end of WOD)

    45lb thruster x 5

    100 m run

    65lb thruster x 5

    100 m run

    75lb thruster x 5

    100 m run

    run through the ladder and then start over (go back to 45lb) once 75lbs is complete. If unable to go past a weight drop back down to next lowest weight and remain there for duration of MET CON.

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    1345, Wed, 2 May 2012

    "Less talk more do!!!!"

    Warm Up

    Strength: Press 5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 5+ x 85%
                      If you don't have a max establish one, you have three attempts

    Met Con:
    Complete 2 rounds, 1 minute per element, clock never stops, like FGB.  1 minute rest between rounds.

    Rope Climb
    Ammo can press
    Med Ball sit up
    Ring push ups
    Sand bag get up

    continuesly count your reps, total your score at the end.  We will do this again at the end of the month.

    Monday, April 30, 2012

    On your own, Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Warm Up


    Dead Lift
    5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 5 x 85%

    Weighted pull up: 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

    Run: 6 x 400 m run with 1 min rest between

    Sunday, April 29, 2012

    1345, Monday, 30 April 2012

    Warm up

    Squat 5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 5 x 85%

    Met Con:

    12 min AMRAP

    20m Walking Lunge with plate overhead (45/25lbs)
    15 box jumps (24/20 inch)
    12 KB swings (53/25lbs)
    9 pull ups

    Saturday, April 28, 2012

    Noon, Sunday, 29 April 2012

    Warm up:
    400 m run
    HMD x 4
    10 inch worms
    10 air squats
    15 pull ups
    15 ab mat sit ups

    Bench Press
    5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 5+ x 85%

    Week 1: 3x5+ Week 2: 3x3+ Week 3: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1+ Week 4: 3x5 (Deload)
    Wendler Percentages
    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
    65% 70% 75% 40%
    75% 80% 85% 50%
    85% 90% 95% 60%

    Met Con:
    2000 m row
    50 pistols, alternating legs
    30 Hang Cleans

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    Afternoon Class Wed, 24 April 2012

    Warm up:
    400 m run
    HMD x 4
    10 Pull up
    10 ab mat sit up
    10 air squat
    10 push press (45lbs)

    Met Con:

    add up all reps for score

    4 minutes of clean and jerk (50lbs)
    1 minute rest
    3 minutes of ring rows
    1 minutes rest
    2 minutes of Back Squat (50lbs)
    1 minute rest
    1 minutes of push press (50lbs)

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    0540 at the Hangar, Tuesday, 24 April 2012

    Warm up:
    250 m row

    Two sets of the following:
    15 pull ups
    15 sits ups with ab mat
    15 air squats
    10 shoulder pass throughs

    Shoulder mobility work

    Power Clean, Push Jerk, Overhead Squat combo
    1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1
    (weights of lifts will be added for a combined score)

    Sunday, April 22, 2012

    On your own, Monday, 23 April 2012

    Run a 10K, yes it says 10 kilometers or 6.21371192 miles!!  Track out a course on or use a known distance.  These long run days will pay off, don't blow them off!!

    Friday, April 20, 2012

    0830, Saturday, 21 March 2012

    Six Zero warm up and FIGHT GONE BAD


    3...2...1...Go! clock will start and not stop until WOD is complete.  Every minute on the minute you will rotate between elements (clock does not stop), once complete with your 5th element you will get a one minute rest.  At the completion of the rest you will begin where you started the first round.  This will go on for three rounds.  Work first 5 minutes, rest one minute, work minute 6-11, rest one minute, work minute 12-17, lay on the floor and ask why did I just do that!!!


    Thursday, April 19, 2012

    Friday afternoon is TBD (no morning WOD)

    No WOD Friday morning, rest up for FGB on Saturday at 0830. 

    Friday Afternoon WOD, do all the following for time.....

    3 rounds of:

    7 Deadlifts
    7 pull ups
    7 dips

    Then 3 rounds of:

    21 wall ball
    21 toes to bar

    Then one round of:

    100 m farmers carry (15 each hand)
    20 burpee box jumps (24 inch)
    100 m farmers carry (15 each hand)

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    0530, Thursday, 19 March 2012

    Warm Up:
    800 m run
    HMD x 4
    2 x 10 pull ups
    10 x Air Squats

    Met Con: For time
    10-8-6-4-2 Push Press (95/65) followed by 200 m run

    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    Afternoon group WOD (mornings resume on Thursday)

    Here is the WOD for the Afternoon group

    250 m row
    20 double unders
    Warm up x 1

    Met Con:

    4 rounds, 10-20-30-40x reps
    KB swings (53#)

    It is great to be back (never thought I would say that about New Jersey)
    Morning workouts will resume on Thursday morning. 

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    5 and 6 April, Thursday and Friday - Closed

    CrossFit Six Zero will be closed on Thursday and Friday.  Take this time to rest up, work on some skills, flexibility, etc. 

    Stay well, we may host a WOD on Saturday mid morning. 

    Tuesday, April 3, 2012

    200 m run

    Warm up x 1

    Met Con:
    30 box jumps
    30 squat cleans
    20 box jumps
    20 squat cleans
    10 box jumps
    10 squat cleans

    Monday, April 2, 2012

    0530, Tuesday, 3 April 2012

    Warm Up:

    200 m run

    Warm up x 1

    Strength: Push Press 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

    Met Con:
    8 min AMRAP
    200 m run
    5 toes to bar (sub ab mat sit ups)

    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    0830, Friday, 30 March 2012

    400 m run

    Warm Up x 1

    Power Snatch - 10 x 8 x 6 x 4 x 2

    Met Con:
    5 min AMRAP - Double Unders

    Wednesday, March 28, 2012

    Rest Day, Thursday, 29 march 2012,

    Rest day

    Work on flexibility and double unders at home! 

    Friday preview:

    Strength: Power Snatch

    Met Con: Double Under AMRAP, as many double unders as you can complete in five minutes. 

    Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    0530, Wednesday, 28 March 2012

    Warm up x 1

    Strict Pull Up: 6 x 4 x 2

    Met Con:

    8 minute AMRAP

    10 Overhead Squats (75/45)
    20 Double Unders (sub 60 single unders for double unders if needed)

    Monday, March 26, 2012

    0530, Tuesday, 27 March 2012

    Warm up x 2

    Power Clean: 5 x 5 x 5

    Met Con: 50 box jumps for time (4 minute time cap)

    Friday, March 23, 2012

    0800, Saturday, 24 March 2012, (hangar)

    Workout tomorrow at the hangar, 8 AM first time or redo of 12.5. Don't be late. See you tomorrow sleep well you'll need the rest ;)

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    No workout, Friday, resting!

    No workout Friday. Next workout will be Saturday at the hanger. 12.5 do over or first time!

    Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    0530, Thursday, 22 March 2012, Garage

    Warm Up:
    200 m run
    1 x warm up

    Met Con: 12.5 CrossFit Games WOD

    Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
    100 pound Thruster, 3 reps
    3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 6 reps
    6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 9 reps
    9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 12 reps
    12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
    15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 18 reps
    18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
    100 pound Thruster, 21 reps
    21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...

    Tuesday, March 20, 2012

    Wednesday, Rest Day

    Get ready for 12.5, rest up, stretch out, eat some Protien!  Organic!

    1. Free of antibiotics, added hormones, GMO feed and other drugs; no GMO animals
    Animals raised organically are not allowed to be fed antibiotics, the bovine human growth hormone (rbGH), or other artificial drugs. Animals are also not allowed to eat genetically modified foods. Further, animal products certified as organic can not have their genes modified (for example, a scorpion gene cannot be spliced into a cow gene).
    How: The animals are raised in a healthier environment, fed organic feed, and often eat a wider range of nutrients than those raised in factory farms (such as would be the case of free-range chickens and ranch cattle). The animals are not from a test tube.
    Highlights: Organically raised animals have been shown to be significantly healthier than their factory-raised counterparts.
    More: Visit the Organic Trade Association Web site for updates on the U.S. federal organic standards.
    2. Mad cow safeguard: Animals aren’t forced to be cannibals
    The practice of feeding cattle the ground up remains of their same species appears to cause bovine spongiform encephalopathy, a horrific disease that destroys the central nervous system and brain, can be given to humans who eat the cows. The disease in humans has a very long latency period, and is called Creutzfeld-Jakob disease.
    How: Animals are fed 100 percent organic feed without ground up animal parts.
    Highlights: By eating 100 percent organic meat you are protected by a label insuring the cow has only been fed 100 percent organic feed.
    3. More humane, ethical treatment of animals
    Factory farms treat animals like commodities, and they are kept in tightly confined pens and often never move more than a few feet their whole lives.
    How: Buy meat and eggs raised from chickens raised outdoors free ranging and grazing.
    Highlights: Animals are more likely to be raised without cruelty.
    4. Animals free-range and graze
    The words “free-range,” and “ranch raised” are clues that the animals were raised in a more humane way. Their diet tends to be more well-rounded; the animals are not confined and spend time outdoors in the fresh air.
    How: Free range chickens eat more grubs and bugs than their industrially-raised counterparts; free range animals graze as they are inclined.
    Highlights: Humane and ethical treatment of animals; more nutritious food.
    5. Manure
    Small farms use it, industrial farms pollute with it.
    How: On small, diverse farms, manure is used to naturally fertilize soil. Industrial farms produce so much manure, on the other hand, that it is a human health risk. The overspill of manure can contaminate wells with E. coli and other pathogens. In one region of North Carolina, for example, hog farms produce 10 million metric tons of waste annually.
    Highlights: Sustainable farms use their manure productively as organic fertilizer. The manure is “pure,” coming from animals fed organic diets.
    6. Animals are integral to small farms
    Using animal manure is considered recycling of nutrients. No farm can cope with all the animal offspring, so selling some makes economic sense. Sustainable farms tend to provide and sell a range of products, and organic eggs and animal products would be included.
    How: Most organic farms have a few cows, chickens, etc.
    Highlights: The animals—many of diverse gene pools—serve a purpose besides providing food.
    7. Fewer chemicals used
    Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers are not used on the food or land. Residues of persistent chemicals such as DDT, PCBs, dioxin, and many pesticides concentrate in animal fat. Eating organic animal fat reduces your exposure to these chemicals.
    Farmers working on organic farms are exposed to fewer chemicals.
    How: Organic agriculture works for a healthy balance of the soil, including using crop rotation and other techniques to improve soil fertility, instead of controlling the environment with chemicals. The animals are not fed food containing pesticides, and so the amount of persistent pesticides in their fat is reduced.
    Highlights: Safeguards groundwater, farmers’ health, topsoil, habitats, and neighborhood health.
    8. Diversity
    Industrial farms rely on just a few species of cattle, chickens, pigs, etc., whereas small sustainable farms tend to raise a wider variety of livestock. Entire species of livestock can die out if they are not raised on farms.
    How: Support our food supply by buying food representative of a wide gene pool. Every time you even buy a brown instead of a white egg you are helping to support diversity.
    Highlights: Support diversity by supporting diversity on your local farms. Buy their milk, eggs, and meat.
    9. Factory farms use huge amounts of resources
    The factory farm industry is run with cheap, nonrenewable fossil fuel. Producing, transporting, processing, and marketing the food all depend heavily on it. Without cheap fuel, industrial agriculture would be impossible because it would be too expensive, notes organic farming expert Fred Kirschenmann. The heavy pesticide use on industrial farms contaminates groundwater and soil. Kirschenmann believes industrial farms are responsible for the loss of over half of U.S. topsoil.
    How: Organic farms uses less energy with careful ecological management, and using natural ecological balances to solve pest problems. Buying animal products from local farms further reduces energy by reducing the amount of miles the food travels to your table.
    Highlights: Organic farms use 70 percent less energy than industrial farms, and since they don’t use pesticides they help preserve ground water. The farming techniques of organic farms builds topsoil and doesn’t contribute to its erosion.
    10. Your dollars support the farm you buy from
    If you buy your meat from an organic farmstand at a farmer’s market you support that farm. On the other hand, if you buy non-organic meat that isn’t local, free-range, or ranch-raised from a supermarket chain, you most likely support a multinational food conglomerate.

    Read more:

    Monday, March 19, 2012